Understanding advocate and The Personnel Group give Tempany a fresh start

Tempany came to the Personnel Group looking for a job and got one, loving her work with Woolworths.

Tempany was at the point where she thought securing open employment was impossible.

Connecting with a Jobs Victoria Advocate and The Personnel Group changed her view.

She says her then-employment service provider focused on her disability, not her ability, and her job hunt never progressed past the interview stage.

“I was like, I’m never going to get a job. I’ve been through so many interviews trying to get a job,” Tempany says.

“It was more about how I am — my disability.”

With a supportive and understanding advocate in her corner, Tempany’s confidence returned.

Her Jobs Victoria advocate outlined a range of available resources and services and connected with The Personnel Group Community Engagement Coordinator Emma Pay.

“I wanted to work, I wanted to find a job, and it was really hard,” she says.

“And then I met The Personnel Group.

“Because I was with someone else, getting into The Personnel Group took a while.

“Emma was so lovely. She introduced me and did my intake, and everything went from there.

“I came to the Personnel Group looking for a job, of course, and I got my job at Woolworths, and I love it.”

Tempany is thriving in the supportive workplace, working as a cashier, on the floor re-stocking shelves, and looking forward to adding deli experience to her skill set.

“It just feels so good to be earning your own money and working,” she says.

“I’m making friends and am getting along with colleagues. You know, it just brightens the day when I go in there.

“They want to talk to you and have a yarn. It’s amazing.

“I honestly don’t think I’d be where I am today if I didn’t leave where I was and come to The Personnel Group.”