The Personnel Group a lifeline in post-lockdown rebuild

Office manager Mel with Support Angels employee Katy.

Support Angels Bendigo provides individual in-home care to support people living in their own homes.

Office manager Mel Robinson says connecting with The Personnel Group was a lifeline as Support Angels began its post-pandemic lockdowns rebuild.

“It’s helped the business dramatically,” she says.

“We had 54 staff in 2020 before COVID, and now we have 19 because a lot of people stopped working during COVID.

“The flow on is our client base is reduced now as well. It’s very hard if we get new referrals because we don’t have the staff to supply the services.

“The Personnel Group has been really helpful in finding the right staff for us.”

Mel says she values the face-to-face connection with The Personnel Group’s employment consultants and the honest, open approach and feedback they provide.

“It’s always nice to have them come into the office, rather than just phone calls and emails, especially after the COVID restrictions,” she says.

“With the majority of the agencies, it’s just all via email. So it’s nice to get that face-to-face contact.

“You know who you’re speaking with, and you can see their body language and tell they’re passionate about their job.”

Mel has hired several employees through The Personnel Group, with plans to add to that.

“Yes, definitely,” she says.

“There’s another two we are trying to set up an interview with right now.”