Work Assist

As an employer there may be tricky times when you have an employee that may be experiencing difficulty maintaining their job due to injury, stress, panic attacks or depression.

Our Work Assist program is especially designed to help you the employer, and your employee, address the situation to prevent further absenteeism, reduced productivity or resignation.

Work Assist program provides:

  • An individualised support program to maintain current employment
  • Support in accessing other service providers to address non-vocational barriers.
  • Workplace education for co-workers

Mental Health problems often go unrecognised and can have a serious impact on an individual’s employment. Let our team of professionals help your workforce with Work Assist.

Click below to download our Work Assist flyer.

Mental health in your workplace

The discussion around mental health has become more open and widespread in the past decade, but what impact does mental health have on a workplace?

In the videos below, Our CEO Tracey Fraser speaks about mental health in the workplace and Wodonga Abattoirs Ross Williams, talking about how the mental health of an employee can affect a business and how programs like Work Assist can help employees get back on track.

Want to know more about Work Assist?