Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s business as usual – with extra care and diligence!

At The Personnel Group, we have our team members and clients health and wellbeing front of mind.  Whilst we continue to monitor the Australian Government’s decisions daily, for us in delivery support to you all, it’s business as usual – with extra care and diligence.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we shall be implementing more stringent social interaction requirements to keep everyone safe.  This will include following the directions of the Department of Health for increased personal hygiene, social distancing and ensuring no person enters our premises if they are exhibiting the symptoms or circumstances the Australian Government has set down as requiring Covid 19 testing and/or self isolation.

If you have returned from travelling overseas in the past 14 days or have been in close proximity to someone who has, please let us know by emailing or phoning so we can decide on the best way to support you.

We shall keep everyone up to date with any changes to our current arrangements, and of course, will continue to work hard for you all in your employment endeavours.

For further information on Covid-19, please check

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