Handy tips to help you through COVID-19

In this daily changing dynamic, our priority remains the same – to provide a safe environment for our clients and staff.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has meant we have to had to stop our face-to-face appointments with our valued clients, we want you to know that our staff are still here and available to assist you.

What this means, is that our offices are now closed and ALL of our staff are now setup and working from home.  You can still continue to have your regular appointments with your regular Employment Consultant, however this will now be over the phone or using Zoom video conferencing.

Chief Executive Officer of The Personnel Group says “Although we can no longer provide face-to-face appointments, please know that our staff are committed to helping you through this difficult time and we will continue to focus on assisting you to build your skills and look for work.”

If you have any questions or would like to discuss these arrangements, you can contact our local office on 1300 874 000.

We’re here for you!

Table of Contents

Reasons why you should stay in touch with us

Although it may be tempting to cease your job search during this difficult time, it’s actually a crucial time to stay engaged with your employment service, as you may miss out on an opportunity to either secure employment, or place yourself in the best possible position when the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease. 

Here are a few reasons why you should keep in contact with your Personnel Group consultant during COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. We’re still here for you! Although our offices may be closed, your employment consultant is still working you. Your regular appointments can be conducted over the phone or using Zoom, or video conferencing application.
  2. This is a good time to be brushing up on your job interview skills, or preparing yourself for work. There are lots of tools that we can utilise to assist you to getting closer to being ready for work, such as online training sessions, interview preparation or even doing a course to get you the skill and qualifications you need.  Every little bit helps you get closer to achieving your employment goals.
  3. We’re talking to employers everyday, to ensure that we don’t miss any employment opportunities for you.
  4. Many organisations are having to diversify their business and product/service offering to adapt to the rules and demands of COVID-19. This means new jobs in certain areas are being created and new opportunities are out there.
  5. It’s good to chat. We want to know that you’re safe and well.  Keeping your appointments and having a chat to us, is a great way to feel connected and it makes us feel good too.

Want to get in touch and get ready to work?  Call us on 1300 874 000 or contact us via email by clicking here.

Handy Tips

Keeping Positive
In times of constant negative messaging, you need an antidote so that you can keep your positive attitude and march forward with determination and hope. Be deliberate in activities that are positive, heartwarming, stress reducing and laughter inducing! Together, we’ll get through this.

Limit your intake
You could watch 24-hour news channels, listen to dire warnings on the radio, or visit countless websites and be bombarded with the angst of the moment. Instead, choose a single news source and decide how much limited time you’ll spend with it each day.

Look to the past
Get hope from your past resilience. You have likely endured other unforeseen major life disrupters.

Watch a funny video
Thanks to the huge popularity of YouTube, there are thousands of videos that can help you take your mind off current events, if only for three minutes at a time.

Look after your neighbours
You may be at low risk of severe consequences from the virus, but it may not be the same for your neighbours whose immune systems are compromised. The act of checking in on them (keeping 1.5m apart of course) will not only make them feel good, it will make you feel good and remind you that there are others for whom this predicament is even more stressful.

Support your favorite local business
Does your favorite restaurant have takeaway options? Are you in a position to help a local business?

Take advantage of spare time
Have you always wanted to start a new hobby? Working fulltime and other commitments make it hard to find new passions or hobbies. With isolation and lockdown in affect, could it be time to use your found time in a productive manner?


  1. Wellbeing Tips (PDF 640KB)
  2. Working From Home Tips (PDF 476KB)
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