Community Champions

We love working with local employers willing to embrace diversity in their workplace.  We call them our Community Champions because they believe in a diverse workforce, just like we do. 

Some of our Community Champions have employed vulnerable jobseekers with our support, others share our belief in equal rights and would consider employing a person with a disability or inexperienced young person with the right support.

Businesses who embrace diversity in their workplace have a positive impact on our community.  So if you are open to giving a vulnerable jobseeker a chance, or already have, we think you’re a Community Champion.  The more people working, the more our community thrives!

If you’re interested in how we can help you source suitable new employees and how we will support you and your new staff member, contact us by calling 1300 874 000 or use the Get in touch button below, and subscribe to our Community Champions eNewsletter.

Know someone who can be our next Community Champion?
Share this page and let's get them involved.

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You can also subscribe to our Community Champions e-newsletter so we can send you updates about our Community Champions and jobseekers in your area.

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