Scholarship reward for Jacob’s commitment and dedication to work

Commitment and dedication to work has earned Jacob valuable financial support to complete his baking apprenticeship.

About 12 months ago Jacob went from long-term unemployment to working as an apprentice baker at Albion Park Rail Bakers Delight.

He is now a recipient of a Bert Evans Scholarship, a NSW initiative to support apprentices who have demonstrated hardship in their personal circumstances and aptitude for vocational education and training.

“Prior to gaining this role at Bakers Delight I was unemployed for four years,” Jacob says.

“Working has given my life a purpose and has helped me improve my mental wellbeing in the process.

“It has allowed me the opportunity to achieve goals I never thought possible like being accepted for the Bert Evans Apprenticeship scholarship.

Working, and earning a wage, has created many new opportunities for Jacob from buying his first car to boosting his savings.

It has also led to other benefits.

“In both my personal life as well as my career I am better able to handle stressful environments and adapt to situations around me,” Jacob says.

“I’ve noticed a drastic improvement in my mental health as working has provided me with motivation and a reason to start my day.

“I have gained maturity and learnt how to interact in social environments while also learning how to further improve myself and those around me.”