Pathway to Work

Pathway to Work

Pathway to Work is a specialised training course for people with a disability wanting to develop their knowledge and skills, to help them find and keep a job.

This course has been researched and designed to address the key skills required by businesses today, including problem-solving, creativity, communication, teamwork, financial literacy, digital literacy, critical thinking and presentation skills.

These areas are addressed with practical advice and exercises to build knowledge and confidence, ensuring participants are equipped with the necessary skills to flourish and thrive.

How is training delivered?

Pathway to Work is delivered over 12 months with a minimum of one day a week to attend face-to-face workshops.

Each group will have a maximum of only four participants, plus our friendly Pathway to Work Training Consultant to provide guidance and support.

Work experience

Our Training Consultant will support participants with work experience and organise guest speakers and site tours of employers in their community to provide insight into the working world.

Eligibility and Cost?

Pathway to Work has been developed to cater for NDIS participants, or people who are interested in a fee for service program and wish to develop their pre-employment skills.  We deliver courses for students who are still at school (youth) and those who have already left school (open age).

Funding for Pathway to Work can be assessed through numerous NDIS capacity lines.

Please submit this form to learn more about Pathway to Work and your eligibility.

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