A positive working environment for Sarah and Keana

Wangaratta Childcare Centre – Country Buddies, employs 40 plus employees and attends to the needs of 108 little people each day.  They employ two wonderful participants from The Personnel Group – Keana and Sarah, who both began working with them in February this year.

Working with The Personnel Group has been a positive experience says Emily, who is 2IC at Country Buddies.  “We have worked well together to get Sarah and Keana ready for work.  They have both adapted so well to the staff shortages and get along with all staff extremely well.  We’re really proud of how they have grown and look forward to continuing to watch them grow and succeed in the childcare industry,” she said.

Sarah had no previous employment and is now currently studying a Certificate III in Early Childcare to support her role as a Child Care Educator.  “It’s really special working here, as it’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a young child,” says Sarah.  “Since starting work, I am a lot less anxious in new and social environments”.

Having a steady income has provided Keana with independence as well as building self-esteem by having positive connections with her co-workers, parents, and children, and a sense of purpose.

“Keana has shown initiative and always asks questions.  Every room leader fights over Keana working in their room for the day, which is a great problem to have,” said her supervisor Emily.

Country Buddies Wangaratta is a perfect example of how positive partnerships can change lives positively.  Through collaboration, they have created a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers their employees and provides opportunities for personal growth.