Perception of Disability Employment Services

Firstly – A huge Merry Christmas and Happy Festive Season to all the valued clients and customers of The Personnel Group. I hope everyone enjoys a few days off and a chance to recharge the batteries heading into 2023. Secondly – I want to use my final blog of 2022 to comment a little on … Read more

Disability Employment and Allied Health

This fortnight my blog is focused on some exciting news that the Personnel Group has announced this week.  On December 1st, TPG moves into the Allied Health space after acquiring a psychology service, based in Melbourne, called Social Structures.  This is a small step as part of a much bigger plan for TPG as we … Read more

Workplace Mental Health

In my previous blog I spoke about Mental Health and its impact on our ability to deal with stress and challenges. Today I want to reflect on the impacts of mental health on employers and their workforce. A collision of circumstances has seen Australia’s employers grappling with higher turnover, higher absenteeism and lower productivity than … Read more

Mental health

Mental Health is discussed frequently these days. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are discovering the long-term mental and emotional impacts that years of restriction, isolation, uncertainty and fear have had on our society. Workforce shortages and absenteeism are prompting many employers to consider their team’s ‘mental wellness’ for the first time. Concurrently, … Read more

Employing someone with a disability

Employers across the country are crying out for staff as unemployment rates hit historically low levels. The ongoing war for talent has prompted calls for the Australian Government to significantly increase migration as one strategy to meet labour demands. While all options that help address these shortages should be considered, we must not miss out … Read more

Star Ratings

Many people have commented to me this past fortnight about the volume of The Personnel Group’s locations with a 5 Star rating. We have recently been sharing these successes through our social media and it has been wonderful to see our team getting the credit they deserve. We have 23 locations across our footprint that … Read more

On creating culture

I came across a quote recently which is really influencing the way I think about leadership.  It went something like this – “the measure of a team’s culture is the way employees feel on Sunday night, knowing they have to go back to work on Monday morning.” Simple yet profound, the statement makes me consider … Read more

July 25th, 2022

I was 14 when I got my first job. I worked a couple of nights a week as a kitchenhand at a Cheesecake Shop – sweeping floors, cleaning equipment and unpacking deliveries. It wasn’t a glamorous job and didn’t pay particularly well; I am grateful for the things I learned in that workplace. I learned … Read more