Tapping into diverse labour market makes good business sense

An integral part of The Personnel Group’s role in finding meaningful work for people with barriers is building employer confidence. While most employers understand the advantages of having a diverse workforce, promoting the many benefits of employing a person with a disability goes hand-in-hand with what we do as a regional not-for-profit provider. The Personnel … Read more

What is the Employment Assistance Fund?

What is the Employment Assistance Fund, and can I access it? If your business needs special equipment, or workplace modifications, for an employee, The Personnel Group can work with JobAccess to make it happen. The JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) gives financial help to eligible employers and people with disability and mental health conditions to … Read more

The NDIS and Employment.

With the Disability Royal Commission underway, and reforms underway to improve the effectiveness of the NDIS, it can be easy for the average punter out there to miss the scheme’s successes.  The individual stories of where this powerful social instrument has created empowerment, dignity, and equality, despite its flaws. At its core – the key … Read more

Introducing Work Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at The Personnel Group

In previous blogs I have written about The Personnel Group’s expanding service offering and our move into the Allied Health space. Our vision is to provide our customers with a variety of services that all assist with preparing for and then maintaining employment. This week we begin opening pathways for customers across our footprint to … Read more

Amy’s career thrives when extra responsibility comes her way

Having the right supports in place has enabled Amy to thrive in her workplace – PE4K Childcare. Amy was already working three days a week under supervision as a casual in the kitchen. “I’ve been working here for about a year,” Amy says. “I work in the kitchen with Kelly, and I like working here … Read more

Cameron in his McHappy place with new job

Anyone who meets Cameron is quickly taken by his outgoing personality and dry sense of humour. That led The Personnel Group to link with Cameron’s local McDonald’s Restaurant, sensing his interaction with customers would be a positive experience. “Cameron’s come back to our services a few times, and we were looking at options where Cam … Read more

Connections lead Aaron to ideal work opportunities

Aaron had previously worked with Coastal Distributors three years before reconnecting through The Personnel Group. “I left three years ago, give or take, and The Personnel Group helped me with jobs before, so when I was looking for work they steered me back here,” Aaron says. He enjoys his work and again being part of … Read more

Understanding advocate and The Personnel Group give Tempany a fresh start

Tempany was at the point where she thought securing open employment was impossible. Connecting with a Jobs Victoria Advocate and The Personnel Group changed her view. She says her then-employment service provider focused on her disability, not her ability, and her job hunt never progressed past the interview stage. “I was like, I’m never going … Read more