It's good to see you again!

As we slowly welcome back our valued clients to our offices in NSW and ACT for face-to-face appointments, we want you to know what we are doing to keep everyone safe. As per our Covid19 Plan, we are making sure that everyone registers their name and contact details.  These are stored for 28 days so we know who has visited our office and how we can get in contact with you, should an outbreak arise. When entering our office, this is what you should expect:
  • You will be greeted by our staff and asked to sanitise your hands.
  • You will be required to register your name and contact details, by scanning your phone on our Covid19 QR code where you will be prompted to complete an online form and Covid19 health declaration. Our friendly staff will be able to assist you if required. For those without a phone or unable to scan, you will be asked to complete a written form instead.
  • A staff member may also ask to take your temperature, as a precaution to ensure that you are not unwell …. of course this is voluntary.
  • Finally, everyone needs to ensure that they socially distance and keep 1.5m apart at all times.
  • We will allow only one person in our reception waiting room at a time.
If you have any questions or concerns about how we are keeping our offices safe, please do not hesitate to speak to your Employment Consultant. As an organisation we will always prefer the personal approach and provide face-to-face support.  Our staff are excited to be able to welcome back NSW and ACT clients and for our Victorian clients, we look forward to seeing you again one day soon.