JobKeeper payment

Community Champions

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday about the staggering 130 billion dollar JobKeeper payment, we have attached the fact sheets issued by The Treasury, outlining the key points about this new incentive.

We encourage all Community Champions to read the attached documents below to see if your business qualifies. The JobKeeper payment is designed to keep businesses and their workforce intact, so that our economy can remain strong.

If you have made the difficult decision and let some of your employees go during the past weeks, then this JobKeeper payment may allow you to keep them employed and your business operating.  Should any of these employees be clients of The Personnel Group, we’re here to assist and get them back working for you as soon as possible. So please contact your local Employment Consultant who will support you.

As more information comes to hand, we’ll continue to keep you informed.


Fact Sheet Supporting Businesses
Fact Sheet Info for Employers JobKeeper payment
Fact Sheet Info fo Employees JobKeeper payment

Meanwhile, for any other assistance or support you require at this difficult time, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Personnel Group Consultant/Office on 1300 874 000.


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Job Keeper Payment
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