The Personnel Group provides a new Pathway to Work

The Personnel Group has developed a new pre-employment program – Pathway to Work – to build life skills, soft skills and employability skills. In mid-2019, only 24 per cent of working-age NDIS participants were in paid work. The National Disability Agency is not on track to reach its target of 30 per cent in paid … Read more

Blake is more than your everyday assistant

Coming from a background where money was tight is a constant source of motivation for Blake. Centrelink steered Blake towards an employment service provider, leading him to The Personnel Group. Employment Consultant Courtney reached out to Dan Wallace at Your Everyday Gourmet butcher, who agreed to trial Blake part-time. “We’ve got plenty of staff through … Read more

The Personnel Group takes the lead to tackle homelessness

A community-wide commitment is crucial to breaking Australia’s homelessness crisis, a border-based not-for-profit believes. The Personnel Group has set up a volunteer staff housing and homelessness committee to identify practical ways it can positively help. Other businesses are urged to do the same. Speaking ahead of the 2022 Vinnies Community Sleepout to raise awareness and … Read more

Thinking outside the box leads to new career path

When Patrick came to The Personnel Group he was keen to find work in the gardening/landscaping industry. Workplace support consultant Sarah worked closely with employers across our ACT network and although he performed well across several job trials and interviews no permanent positions followed. It was time to think outside the box. Together, Sarah and … Read more

Work equality a Shared Experience

A new project being trialled in Orange is giving people with disability greater access to structured accredited training, work experience and employment. Run by not-for-profit disability employment service provider The Personnel Group, Shared Experience aims to support community services in the Orange region. The initial trial runs until December 2022. “This project will allow participants … Read more

Scott in a reel good place

Having a job means everything to Scott. For six months he’s been a steel labourer with the Australian Reel Company in Marong, Victoria. “Working is great, I feel happier and my family is proud of me,” Scott says. Australian Reel Company office manager Bridie Brennan says Scott has really settled into his role. “He gets … Read more

Inclusion and Awareness key platform for new CEO

The Personnel Group’s new Chief Executive Officer, John Gibbons, firmly believes that when given the opportunity, disadvantaged jobseekers quickly prove themselves to be great employees. John takes the helm of The Personnel Group this month, and with 13 years’ industry experience behind him, he plans to deliver his vision across a number of areas including: … Read more

A message from us

Over the past 36 years we – The Personnel Group – have assisted thousands of people with a disability, mental health condition or at risk of long-term unemployment find meaningful and sustained employment in the open jobs market. At present, the Government’s Disability Employment Service delivery model is under review and reform, and we welcome … Read more

The Personnel Group donates defibrillator to Soldier On

A new life-saving defibrillator donated by The Personnel Group will provide extra peace of mind for Soldier On staff, volunteers and defence personnel, veterans and their families. The donation was possible after fundraising by The Personnel Group staff. “The Personnel Group has an active Health and Wellbeing program that focuses on mental and physical health … Read more