Introducing Work Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at The Personnel Group

In previous blogs I have written about The Personnel Group’s expanding service offering and our move into the Allied Health space. Our vision is to provide our customers with a variety of services that all assist with preparing for and then maintaining employment. This week we begin opening pathways for customers across our footprint to … Read more

Cameron in his McHappy place with new job

Anyone who meets Cameron is quickly taken by his outgoing personality and dry sense of humour. That led The Personnel Group to link with Cameron’s local McDonald’s Restaurant, sensing his interaction with customers would be a positive experience. “Cameron’s come back to our services a few times, and we were looking at options where Cam … Read more

Understanding advocate and The Personnel Group give Tempany a fresh start

Tempany was at the point where she thought securing open employment was impossible. Connecting with a Jobs Victoria Advocate and The Personnel Group changed her view. She says her then-employment service provider focused on her disability, not her ability, and her job hunt never progressed past the interview stage. “I was like, I’m never going … Read more

Yuri finds her purpose with understanding employer

When Balancing Bookkeeper Canberra contacted The Personnel Group looking for staff, Workplace Support Consultant Sarah Blackman sensed Yuri would be the right fit. She has office admin skills and work experience but often faced discrimination in her search for work. Cerebral Palsy affects Yuri’s agility, mobility and verbal communication. Yuri moved to live with relatives … Read more

July 11th, 2022

Historically low unemployment rates in Australia have created many challenges for employers struggling to fill vacancies. Still, at the same time, they have created an extremely favourable situation for people who have traditionally struggled to find employment opportunities. Throughout my time in the employment services industry, much of our work has been dedicated to building … Read more

Kylie’s return to work leads to an independent future

After four years out of the workforce, Kylie assumed she would never be able to return to her chosen career. She thought returning to work at all was out of reach. Kylie’s life changed after seeing a social media post from The Personnel Group. “I found The Personnel Group on Facebook and rang the number. … Read more

Professional, persistent and passionate Enterprise a great Canberra Community Champion

Unsurprisingly, The Personnel Group considers The Sustainable Gardener a Canberra Community Champion. Founder and Chief Executive Officer Warren Aitken says The Sustainable Gardener has built a loyal following across the ACT, with customers impressed with the quality of work and the organisation’s employment philosophy. “One of the purposes of our business is to gainfully employ … Read more

Work equality a Shared Experience

A new project being trialled in Orange is giving people with disability greater access to structured accredited training, work experience and employment. Run by not-for-profit disability employment service provider The Personnel Group, Shared Experience aims to support community services in the Orange region. The initial trial runs until December 2022. “This project will allow participants … Read more

Inclusion and Awareness key platform for new CEO

The Personnel Group’s new Chief Executive Officer, John Gibbons, firmly believes that when given the opportunity, disadvantaged jobseekers quickly prove themselves to be great employees. John takes the helm of The Personnel Group this month, and with 13 years’ industry experience behind him, he plans to deliver his vision across a number of areas including: … Read more