Introducing Work Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at The Personnel Group

In previous blogs I have written about The Personnel Group’s expanding service offering and our move into the Allied Health space. Our vision is to provide our customers with a variety of services that all assist with preparing for and then maintaining employment. This week we begin opening pathways for customers across our footprint to … Read more

Amy’s career thrives when extra responsibility comes her way

Having the right supports in place has enabled Amy to thrive in her workplace – PE4K Childcare. Amy was already working three days a week under supervision as a casual in the kitchen. “I’ve been working here for about a year,” Amy says. “I work in the kitchen with Kelly, and I like working here … Read more

Cameron in his McHappy place with new job

Anyone who meets Cameron is quickly taken by his outgoing personality and dry sense of humour. That led The Personnel Group to link with Cameron’s local McDonald’s Restaurant, sensing his interaction with customers would be a positive experience. “Cameron’s come back to our services a few times, and we were looking at options where Cam … Read more

Connections lead Aaron to ideal work opportunities

Aaron had previously worked with Coastal Distributors three years before reconnecting through The Personnel Group. “I left three years ago, give or take, and The Personnel Group helped me with jobs before, so when I was looking for work they steered me back here,” Aaron says. He enjoys his work and again being part of … Read more

Yuri finds her purpose with understanding employer

When Balancing Bookkeeper Canberra contacted The Personnel Group looking for staff, Workplace Support Consultant Sarah Blackman sensed Yuri would be the right fit. She has office admin skills and work experience but often faced discrimination in her search for work. Cerebral Palsy affects Yuri’s agility, mobility and verbal communication. Yuri moved to live with relatives … Read more

At The Personnel Group I’m a person, not a number

  Jasper had the skills and determination to work in traffic control; it wasn’t until he joined The Personnel Group that he had the support to turn his career dream into reality. “I was with a different provider, and they were trying to push me into a bunch of other jobs I didn’t want or … Read more

High praise for Kym

While Kym says she “does a bit of everything” at APCO Wangaratta, owner Brett Anderson quickly sets the record straight. “She undersells herself,” Brett says. “She runs our kitchen. She runs our front. She can make coffee. She runs our shifts. She does the midnight shift; she does the 6am. “She does every shift and … Read more

The Personnel Group provides a new Pathway to Work

The Personnel Group has developed a new pre-employment program – Pathway to Work – to build life skills, soft skills and employability skills. In mid-2019, only 24 per cent of working-age NDIS participants were in paid work. The National Disability Agency is not on track to reach its target of 30 per cent in paid … Read more

Blake is more than your everyday assistant

Coming from a background where money was tight is a constant source of motivation for Blake. Centrelink steered Blake towards an employment service provider, leading him to The Personnel Group. Employment Consultant Courtney reached out to Dan Wallace at Your Everyday Gourmet butcher, who agreed to trial Blake part-time. “We’ve got plenty of staff through … Read more